
i simply remember my favorite things and then.....

i have been married for 10 years. this amazes me when i think about it. it seems like a long time, but i still feel like i am a recent bride. i think this is because of my choice of spouse. DAN ROCKS. these are just a few of the things that keep me insane about my love:

i love that, before we had kids, dan would rather lay in bed with me and watch movies on lifetime all day on saturday.

i love that he remembers what lifetime movie we were watching the night my water broke with emma.

when watching a tv promo for the upcoming "growing up gotti," i told dan i wanted to be victoria gotti when i grow up and he said, "i want to be her left boob."

at night, without my asking, dan will hand over the t-shirt he has been wearing to me so that i can sleep in it.

i love that he brings me a coke first thing in the morning.

he understands that when i have the tv remote (pretty much all the time) there is NO chance of any sporting channel being watched.

in the morning he asks what i dreamed about because he gets a kick out of my dreams.

he always loves my haircuts, no matter how god-awful they look.

he always puts a new roll of toilet paper on the holder.

he never denies it, he knows how bad his feet smell.

he adores his kids, and shows it.

he will take my car, fill it up with gas, clean it out and get it washed FOR NO REASON.

he says, "well, i bought us the losing lottery ticket." and then proceeds to be optimistic enough to dream about how he will spend the money.

he loves me enough to tell me when i am losing it.

he is really great to my mom and dad. (yes, they love him more than me, he will even admit this to be true.)

he knows he can't dance.

he makes noises when he eats.

when i shake him awake at night, he immediately wakes up and holds me. he will tell me long stories about when he lived in nebraska to help me fall back asleep. he then has absolutely no recollection of this happening the following morning.

he calls me during the day and leaves me messages like, "hey, it's me......LONG PAUSE.....so, ahhhh, yeah. listen, um, you know those papers i had last night, um.....LONG PAUSE.....i was reading them in the....um.....just a sec.......um....the papers, do you know where they are? ahhhhh, you know what, never mind, it is not important, i can find them when i get home. but, if you see them in the bathroom or in my office or by the front door in the mail basket could you call me and let me know. but, i can find them when i get home. ok, see ya later."

calls right back, "hey, it's me. don't worry about those papers. i love you."

10 years and counting. i love him, but i still have those moments when he is talking to me and i am picturing myself putting a fork in his neck and collecting the insurance money. i wonder where those insurance papers are..........

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