
letting it go....

tis the season for just letting all the petty shit in your life go. simply drop it from your fingertips. let it fall from your hands, like a feather caught on a breeze. i am really trying to let it all go. let all my pent up frustrations just go. i am taking a broom and sweeping my brain clean. i refuse, I REFUSE, to get all caught up in all the same drama/bullshit that crowds my tiny mind most of the time.

my little evita is talking thru her nose. thank you christmas colds. i know that she is suffering. her head is hot, her nose is raw, but she is so damn cute. why is she so much more loving when she is sick. it is as if she thinks, "ok, i am sick. i better not pull any of my normal shit here. i need this crazy bitch to take care of me. the only way i can get a popsicle is to sweet talk her."

and so, little miss stuffy-head has me wrapped around her finger. "tanks omma" i love her.

when i am in the process of letting all the shit go, i really enjoy talking to people who are busy getting themselves all worked up. it reminds me of lenny bruce. back when he was being sued by just about everyone and shooting a nice cosy mixture of cocaine and heroin, he stopped doing regular stand up routines. instead he would just read out his court transcripts to the audience. he was confused as to why the audience didn't have the same response he did.

problems, or communication breakdowns occur when your world has become so small that only you and your deluded personality fit. it is times like this it is best to step outside yourself and look in. if the picture isn't as pretty as you thought it is time to make a change. it seems like the holiday season brings out the worst in people. as if we should stop and say, "oh my god! i can't believe how unfair the world is to you. poor baby!" suck it up and LET IT GO.

my babies always help me put things back into perspective. why the fuck should i care about some-stupid-such-and-such, when i have one baby with a cold and one baby who has just given birth to a reincarnation of mickey rooney. everything here is swell. and why shouldn't it be? just let it go.....

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