
happy happy joy joy

i truly admire the enthusiasm that my kids have for ANYTHING. we were at the park earlier this week and they spent 30 minutes (a new olympic record for uninterrupted focus) playing with a catapillar. i was amazed at how tender and gentle they were and how they SHARED and TOOK TURNS NICELY while playing. it was as if god looked at me and decided i needed a reminder of just how fortuate i am. i seem to have moments like this on the days where i am seriously thinking about running away to live in a hole in the ground somewhere in the woods.

"wat'cha thinkin' mommy?" my daughter caught me daydreaming. i told her i wasn't sure and she decided that she would tell me all the things i was thinking about. her list was the following:

making cookies
watching barbie in the nutcracker (AGAIN)
going to the store to buy cookies
getting a kitty cat
how pretty and sweet emma is
ice cream
giving me that new toy under your bed that i know is for me

emma will be a great detective. she can sense when i have been shopping for future birthday and christmas presents. and she found my hiding spot under my bed. i realize it wasn't the best place, but kids are funny. i could have hidden them in their rooms, next to their shoes or dirty clothes basket. things in plain sight become invisible to small children. emma "discovered" her birthday present earlier in the day, but thought enough to put on a show for me later on.

emma pretending that something was poking her foot: "oh momma, what is this? how lovely is this? what could this be? is this for someone special?" a future oscar winner.

nik is still unaware that there are presents there for him as well. that is until, little emma (the informer) not only tells him, but shows him as well.

suddenly it is very quiet in the house. i am here in the basement while the children have snuck upstairs, telling me: "we just need to get one thing, we will be right back." the concept of time is so amazing. right back for me means right back. for nik it means maybe 20 minutes later. long enough for an evil plan to be devised and hatched by the rascals. nik will come back downstairs saying, "umm, mom, umm you are going to be mad about this." he is mistaken. i will not be mad. i will shake my head in wonderment at how two small kids can reek such havoc on my home. i may frown, but inside i am smiling. i don't yell, even when they make a "creation" that involves putting flour and breadcrumbs all over the carpeting. or when they "decorate" the bathroom with 2 entire cans of shaving cream.

the fact is, i love them. i love the way they use an entire box of band-aids. i love the way they smell after a day at the beach. i love the way emma reaches up to take my hand to cross a street. i love the way nik goes around the house wrapping "presents" for me in his dirty clothes. me: "ohh, look, a barbie with no head, just for me. i love it. and i love that you wrapped her so nicely in your soccer socks."

today just might be a good day.......

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