
the lean, mean, processed-meat-eating machine

i am driving in the car. evita is in the backseat. i come to an intersection and realize that because of construction, the road i need is closed. i decide to turn left, from the right hand lane. normally, i would never do such a thing, but it was either turn illegally or run off the road. apparently the bald guy in the convertable bmw behind me didn't care if i ran off the road because as i made the illegal turn he yelled, "bitch." to which i responded, "are you out of your fucking mind?!?!" then i hear from the backseat, "HEY, YOU MISTER, DON'T SAY THAT JUNK WORD!"

i have never been so proud! i apologized to emma for my use of the junk word and for yelling at the guy. emma responded with, "it's ok, momma. he should not talk that way to my momma. he is making bad decisions. i don't like that mean man."

emma. she may not always like me, but she always "got my back."

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