
pity party, table for one

i know you! you were the girl on the playground that didn't participate with the group. you made yourself the outsider. you vowed revenge on all who made you feel so lonely. you were going to show the world. they would be sorry. gee, you are starting to sound a lot like carrie. remember what happened to her? personally, you could go up in flames and i wouldn't mind.

you think you have discovered something special and should be the only one entitled to use it. what make you think only your words are worth reading? what makes you think that no one else has any thing of any relevance to say? who the fuck do you think you are?

"this is mine and only for me. i am the only person who has something important to say. i am not going to share. see how smart and funny i am? don't you envy me, NOW? don't you wish you could be me? all you have are cheap imitations, i am the original and the best."


i know you. and you know that. i know how pathetic you really are. i know how you feel when you look in the mirror. all your worst fears are true. you are the worst. you are still the same sad little miss nothing you were growing up. you haven't changed at all. you can pretend and rewrite history all you want. you haven't grown up at all. go on, have your big dreams of "being something." i know you are a great pretender, but i also remember everything you said. you told me things you shouldn't have and i will forever hold them against you. you make me sick.

enjoy your empty little existance. i know that each day you will wake up to the reality that you are not good enough.....for ANYTHING. but, hey, keep trying. i admire how you continue to try even though you know you will always fail. good luck with all that.

by the way, did i mention that your husband attempted an inappropriate intimacy with me? hard to believe? really....think about it. think about your sad little life, your desperate attempts to "keep things going." isn't it amazing how thin that string is...you know the string that is holding your entire "little happy life" together. a strong wind can and will break it...again and again. but, hey, keep trying.

you are one pathetic plucky little snail.

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