
welcome to virus island


what is this virus? i hadn't heard about this until last year. nik had managed to escape lice, rsv, chicken pox, and this hand foot mouth disease. why do they call it a disease? isn't this just a virus. the kind of virus that is reeking havoc on my life. leave it to emma to bring it home and share.

this is my life for the past 3 days:

emma with a fever between 100.9 and 102.8
emma yelling
emma covered in a rash that is painful to the touch
coke (for me)
emma yelling
emma sleeping for 20 minutes and then yelling
emma having a fever so high she is seeing bugs on her wall that aren't there
emma fever
emma yelling
me going to get nik from school because he is now sick
emma fever
emma now refusing to eat popsicle
coke (for me and nik)
nik in wizard costume sleeping like an angel
me crying in the bathroom from lack of sleep
emma fever hitting 102
me freaking out and actually yelling at the nurse in my pediatrician's office
me apologizing
me yelling again
emma crying her lungs out as i give her a tepid bath to break the fever
nik helping me (what a godsend, extra birthday presents this year)
hubby coming home to absolute nightmare
hubby bringing sherbert home for emma
emma happy to see daddy (this lasts for about 3 minutes)
emma yelling
emma having another tepid bath
emma calm and resting next to me in my bed
emma puking all over me
emma yelling
emma fever
emma not sleeping
family not sleeping
me hating to see my little baby so unhappy and there is nothing i can do about it

the best part of the past 3 days: kathryn, who upon hearing that emma was reallly sick with hand foot and mouth actually said the following:

"how can she have that? she isn't around any cows? when was she around any livestock?"

god bless kathryn. and god help me. this lie about fever lasting 3 days is bullshit. poor nik should be at his worst for his birthday later this week. nobody ever tells you this part of parenthood. sick kids and you feeling completely helpless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You poor thing...hang in there. We've had the crud here at my house once a few years ago and I still get the shakes from the memory... feel better soon! (Liz @ This Full House)